How to keep you Husband Happy - Top tips for Wives

Keeping a marriage fresh and exciting can be challenging, amidst the stress of daily life. Thankfully, there are small deeds that you can do to keep your husband happy and let him know that you love him more and more each day. Share in the responsibilities of marriage, and try different approaches to leading a happy, spontaneous life that gratifies you and your spouse both emotionally and sexually. Try some of the ideas below to tug on your husband's heartstrings and make your marriage thrive.

Keeping the Flame Alive

1. Be romantic. 

Romance can easily become a back-burner priority after years of marriage. Make sure to save time for romantic activities, like candle-lit dinners, beach walks at sunset, and cuddling up to watch a movie.

2. Spice up your sex life.

One of the main aspects of marriage where the excitement can quickly fade is the sexual aspect. You'll both have to work hard to keep your sex life interesting, but thankfully there are several things that you can do.

3. Make sex a priority. 

No big surprise here. Women understand intellectually that sexual fulfillment is a top need of a man. But do your actions demonstrate that you really get it? Maybe you’ve taken care of the kids, cooked a delicious dinner, and even endured an action flick. Compared to the other wives you know, you’re doing pretty well. Yet you may be discounting his need for fulfilling sex. Most husbands would rather have dishes in the sink and a wife waiting in the bedroom.

4. Make your home a haven.

The world can be a tough place. When your husband walks in the door, he needs to breathe a sigh of relief. He’s home. Think of how you greet your husband. Does he see the back of your head as you type furiously on the computer or do you look him in the eyes and say, “Honey I’m so glad you’re home”? Make your home a place where your husband feels welcome.

5. Respect your man’s needs.

What need does your husband have that perhaps you have discounted? It may be sex, quality time, the cookies you used to bake him, or going to ball games together. Don’t get defensive when your husband voices a need. Listen instead and then act positively to meet that need the best you can.

6. Let your man lead.

The idea of submission has many women up in arms. That does not need to be the case. The New Testament speaks clearly in three passages that we wives are to submit to our husbands as unto the Lord (Ephesians 5:22, Colossians 3:18 1 Peter 3:1). This doesn’t mean you become a door mat. What it does mean is that your respect your husband’s role as the leader of the home. After you’ve weighed in on a topic, the final decision belongs to your man.

7. Kiss every day for five to thirty seconds.

Here’s something your husband will really like! It doesn’t cost a penny and it hardly takes any time. A healthy daily dose of passionate kissing will boost your marriage and keep the pilot light lit between you. Give out plenty of kisses, just like when you were dating.